Thursday, May 10, 2007

Family Obligations Suck

My husband woke me up this morning to ask me if I had anything I had to do today because my mom needs me to babysit my niece and nephew since she has some medical stuff to take care of (a shot of Prokrit). My dad has to drive her so he won't be home either. Blah....

I like my five year-old niece. She is funny, smart, and creative. My 7 year-old nephew has a rather shrill voice and is demanding and gets on my nerves. It is a beautiful day and I don't want to spend it downstairs at my parents being annoyed by my brother's kid. It sounds mean, I know, but I really don't enjoy other people's kids that much, even when they are my own family. If it was just Abigail I could give her crayons and markers and soap bubbles and she could amuse herself forever. Ethan needs other people to amuse him. He is quickly bored by most activities with the exception of shitty cartoons. I like cartoons, don't get me wrong, it is just his taste in them is abysmal and lacking any discretion whatsoever. Yeah, I know, he's a seven-year old boy, but puh-leeze!

I asked Ivy if she would do it if they paid her and she said, "Maybe". My parents offered $10 bucks. Not much for last-minute change of plans so she can sit from 2-4:30 (and it could likely be longer). I offered to throw in another $10 just so I wouldn't have to do it. We are probably both going to hang out down there being miserable unless Ivy decides to take a bus to Providence to hang out with her friend Zoe.

I'm irritated because they know I don't enjoy babysitting for my brother's kids but they waited until the last minute to ask me. It is not as if my mom didn't know she had to get this shot.

Well...they wanted me for 2:00 and it is 1:54 now. I haven't even had my coffee for the day. I'm going to have to bring my coffee-making stuff downstairs 'cuz my dad's sucks.


1 comment:

lotus777 said...

You and your husband should move to a town at least 1000 miles away from your family. This way they cant annoy you or ask you to do them favors.

I see no reason you should give you YOUR time for your in-laws or your parents. You dont owe them a Da_n thing!! I hate how family members try to lay a guilt trip on people and act like I'm suppost to sacrifice MY life for them.

People should THINK TWICE about having kids. Kids are a MAJOR commitment and a total pain in the butt. My wife and I have been married for 3 years, been together a total of 5 years (we lived together for 2 years before getting married). We have ZERO I repeat ZERO, NO PLANS WHATSOEVER to have children. I would rather be shot than be a father. That's how bad I hate the idea of having kids. BUT WHY??? so many people ask.. Because having kids means you GIVE UP EVERYTHING for them. Forget free time, forget buying things for yourself. It's all about the kids and I'm not ready to throw my dreams away just to rase ungrateful rugrats.